Laura Vandenbosch
Digital media uses and effects: The contributing roles of time
Adolescent Emotional Expression on Social Media: A Data Donation Study Across Three European Countries
Status Markers in Popular Music Across Six Countries: A Content Analysis of Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Genre, and Capital in Music Lyrics
Adolescents’ Music Tastes in the Streaming Era: The Case of Belgium
Trajectories of digital flourishing in adolescence: The predictive roles of developmental changes and digital divide factors
Adolescents’ videogame play, need satisfaction, and self-esteem: a self-determination perspective
A Systematic Content Analysis of the Moral Foundations Featured in Celebrities’, Influencers’, and Athletes’ Instagram Content
Posting and framing politics: a content analysis of celebrities’, athletes’, and influencers’ Instagram political content
Measuring digital well-being in everyday life among Slovenian adolescents: The Perceived Digital Well-Being in Adolescence Scale
BeReal, Be Happy? Examining the relationships between authentic self-presentations on BeReal and adolescents’ self-esteem
A Meta-Analysis of Studies Examining the Effect of Music on Beliefs
Positive digital communication among youth: The development and validation of the digital flourishing scale for adolescents.
The Malleability Narrative in Entertainment and Social Media. Explaining Pathways to Happiness in Media Content.