
Bojana Lobe

Associate professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences (U of Ljubljana)

Dr. Bojana Lobe is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana (UL), where she teaches a number of methodological courses (statistics, questionnaire design, qualitative methods, comparative research, digital technologies and data collection). She has authored a book Integration of Online Research Methods. She is a member of the research programme Social Science Methodology, Statistics and Informatics at UL. She has been actively involved in EU Kids Online project since 2006 and was a leading researcher in Slovenian biggest project about children’s usage of internet in Slovenia since 2009. She was involved in the 2015-2017 project about Young children (0-8) and digital technologies funded by JRC. She is also a member of Management Committee at COST Action The digital literacy and multimodal practices of young children (DigiLitEY). At the moment, she is actively involved in JRC KiDiCoTi project, a new study focusing on kids’ digital lives during COVID-19 lockdown. Dr. Lobe is a member of the editorial board of International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches.


  • Online qualitative research methods
  • Mixed methods and multimethod designs
  • Qualitative comparative analysis
  • Researching children’s experiences and digital technologies
  • Researching children
  • Ethics in online research
