Dr. Bojana Lobe is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana (UL), where she teaches a number of methodological courses (statistics, questionnaire design, qualitative methods, comparative research, digital technologies and data collection). She has authored a book Integration of Online Research Methods. She is a member of the research programme Social Science Methodology, Statistics and Informatics at UL. She has been actively involved in EU Kids Online project since 2006 and was a leading researcher in Slovenian biggest project about children’s usage of internet in Slovenia since 2009. She was involved in the 2015-2017 project about Young children (0-8) and digital technologies funded by JRC. She is also a member of Management Committee at COST Action The digital literacy and multimodal practices of young children (DigiLitEY). At the moment, she is actively involved in JRC KiDiCoTi project, a new study focusing on kids’ digital lives during COVID-19 lockdown. Dr. Lobe is a member of the editorial board of International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches.